Please fill out the T&E Survey.
Once form is submitted a Return Label will be issued.
Sale Order Number: S010-
Return RMA Number: R10-
Agency Name
State / Province / Region
Rate the product functionality.
1 (Not Functional)
2 (Somewhat Functional)
3 (Functional)
4 (Very Functional)
5 (Extremely Functional)
Rate the ease of use of this product.
1 (Very Hard to Use)
2 (Hard to Use)
3 (Average)
4 (Easy)
5 (Extremely Easy)
Rate the durability of this equipment.
1 (Not Durable)
2 (Somewhat Durable)
3 (Durable)
4 (Very Durable)
5 (Extremely Durable)
Rate the value of this product.
1 (Not Worth the Cost)
2 (Somewhat Worth the Cost)
3 (Neutral)
4 (Worth the Cost)
5 (More than Worth the Cost)
How likely are you to recommend this product.
1 (Very Unlikely)
2 (Unlikely)
3 (Neutral)
4 (Likely)
5 (Very Likely)
Rate the visual aesthetics of this product.
1 (Very Poor)
2 (Poor)
3 (Average)
4 (Above Average)
5 (Outstanding)
Please elaborate on your aesthetics rating. What did/didn't you like about overall product look?
Rate the support you received from your Safariland representative.
1 (Very Poor)
2 (Poor)
3 (Average)
4 (Above Average)
5 (Outstanding)
Please Provide the Representative Name
Are you planning on purchasing this product?
What did you like most about the product (s) you evaluated?
What did you like least about the product (s) you evaluated?
Additional Comments/Questions.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.