Appendix Vs. Strong Side: The Best Carry Method

CADRE Dispatch

It’s never been a better time to concealed carry and the options for guns, holsters, and calibers have never been better. There is something for everyone. Today, we are going to address two of the most popular carry positions, Appendix and Strongside IWB.

Both carry types utilize inside the waistband holsters but position the gun in slightly different ways. What does positioning the gun in a slightly different way do? Well, more than you’d expect. Today, we are going to contrast and compare the two in a simple appendix vs. strong side breakdown. 

First, let’s make sure we are all on the same boat with what our terms mean. Inside the Waistband or IWB is simple enough, but let’s break down the strong side and appendix carry positions to make sure we all understand the terms. 

Defining Strongside 

Your strong side doesn’t depend on how much weight you can lift but on where your gun is positioned. Strong side carry specifically refers to holstering your gun on your dominant side. For right-handers, it’s the right side of the body. The strongside position can vary from from the 2 o’clock to 4 o’clock position for righties. Left-handed shooters would position the gun on their 10 o’clock to 8 o’clock position. 

Concealed handgun
Concealed carry offers a tactical advantage that open carry does not. Holster: Safariland 575 IWB GLS Pro-Fit. (Photo: William Lawson)

This method of carry is immensely popular and has been a dominant method of everyday concealed carry for years. 

Defining Appendix 

Appendix carry, sometimes called AIWB, isn’t new but has taken the concealed carry market by storm. Appendix carry positions the weapon in roughly the same position as your appendix. For right-handed shooters, that is roughly the 12 to 1 o’clock position. For lefties it’s from the 11 to 12 o’clock position. 

Appendix carry has existed for a long time, but recent innovations in holster design have brought it into the spotlight. 

Appendix Vs. Strongside 

Now that we’re all in the same boat let’s dive into a few of the more important holster considerations and see how strongside and appendix compare. 


Comfort is the first on the list, but should be the last for a serious concealed carrier to consider. Comfort can be important, but it’s not the most important. That’s why we should get it out of the way quickly. It will be mostly subjective when it comes to appendix vs. strongside comfort. We have to work with the typical user and their experience. 

Smaller folks with smaller waists tend to find appendix more comfortable. Bigger guys and gals will likely find strongside more comfortable. Comfort can vary depending on what you’re doing as well. I’ve often found sitting while carrying appendix to be less comfortable than sitting while carrying strongside. 

Schema holster
The Schema is a low profile AIWB rig.

It’s also fairly typical to make small changes to how you dress to make AIWB more comfortable. Things like positioning your belt off-center can make appendix comfier. That’s not required for strongside. Overall, I’d have to say strongside is more comfortable for most people. There can be variations in comfort depending on your gun, but as a whole, strong side seems comfier. 

Concealed carry pistol in a holster
The Walther PD380 carried very comfortably, strong side, in this Safariland 575 IWB Pro-Fit holster. (photo: William Lawson)


If we examine how the gun sits on your body in either position, it becomes clear that appendix offers greater concealment overall. With strongside we are adding an inch or so to our waistline. It’s possible to minimize this with some positioning, but minimizing doesn’t mean eliminating.  

It’s tougher to see since it blends in well with the body. There isn’t an obvious, asymmetrical lump like there is with strongside. Appendix carry makes it easier to conceal a wide variety of firearms, including full-sized, light, and optic-equipped handguns. Appendix makes a clean sweep in this category of our appendix vs. strong side shootout.  

Training instructor loading a magazine wearing an IncogX IWB holster
Appendix carry positions the gun in front of our body.

Draw Speed 

Draw speed is mostly affected by a user’s training and capability. A well-trained draw is more important than positioning. However, if a person spends equal time training with appendix and strongside they will still, most likely, be faster with appendix carry. Appendix draws are quick and easy. 

Aiwb draw gif

The gun is at your front, and there is less movement required to access it. A lot of the small movements of your draw are more efficient. For example, your drawing hand and support hand are closer, which makes your draw quicker and easier. Appendix is just faster overall. 

If you carry strongside outside the waistband for duty or competition, then learning two draws might not make sense. I could see a good argument for sticking to one draw for consistency and muscle memory’s sake. 


When I say retention, I want to be clear: I’m not talking about retention devices. Most concealed carry holsters lack any form of active retention device. I’m referring to passive retention. You could call it their security. I don’t see a clear winner in this category of our appendix vs strong side discussion. 

Safariland IWB holster
IWB occupies a variety of positions inside the waistband.

If you’re dealing with a front-facing threat, then appendix will be easier for the bad guy to access. If you are dealing with a threat from the rear or your dominant side, then strongside is easier for a bad guy to swipe. It comes down to training and situational awareness. There isn’t a winner or a loser here. 

Appendix Vs. Strong side 

Which is better? For most people, there isn’t a ‘better.’ There is what works for them. I’m a multi-position carrier, and I carry what makes sense to me.

Appendix carry does tend to enhance concealment and inspire a faster draw. However, several people will find it less than perfect in terms of comfort. Strong side carry can be comfy and simple with a minor difference in concealment and draw speed. 

If you’re going appendix it’s tough to beat the Incog X and if you want a simple strongside option give the Species IWB a peak. 

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