Grand Power’s new 10mm and .45 ACP PDW pistols have been released and are making their way to stores across the US. I have managed to get my hands on the Stribog SP10 A3 (10mm) for some range time and I like what I see. Following the same overall shape and design as the original SP9A1, Grand Power has made some improvements both internally and externally. Of course, another exciting change is the calibers now available with the new Stribog.
We are all familiar with the legendary .45 ACP and the knock-down power it provides. Especially when shooting within that 0–30-yard range, the .45 ACP is a big bullet with a lot of power. Another contender in the big-bullet class for semi-auto guns is the 10mm. Both of those calibers are now available in Stribog’s new models.
Developed in the early 1980s, the 10mm bullet was adopted by the FBI for a while. It was then discontinued over concerns that it was too powerful for agents to handle in the field effectively.
Is 10mm coming back?
Since then, the 10mm has seen on-and-off attention but was mostly ignored as other calibers competed for the spotlight. The .40 caliber Smith & Wesson grew in fame for years before it started to fade. Now the 9mm is making a successful comeback. It has remained the popular choice of handguns and PCCs ever since and is probably here to stay. But we are also seeing the 10mm rise once again. Companies across the board are producing some impressive models in the big-boy caliber.

One of the most exciting of these is the new Stribog SP10. I’ve owned the SP9A1 for years and it has remained one of my favorite subgun-style firearms. I’ve often referred to it as the affordable alternative to the B&T because you get a high-quality gun at a fraction of the price. Stribog’s are built like tanks, and the new SP10 is no different.
What’s so cool about the Stribog SP10?
I’ll admit, the Stribog is one of those guns I start to like before I even pick it up. It has a thick, heavy-duty look to it that is all its own, not another “clone” like so many others. But it’s not just the looks of the Stribog that make it an awesome gun. I took my 9mm Stribog to the range so I could compare it to the new 10mm. What surprised me was the lack of recoil in the 10mm, but I’ll talk more about that below.

If you are not familiar with Stribog, it is a line of PDWs produced by Slovakian manufacturer, Grand Power. I often refer to this style of firearms as a sub-gun or PDW (personal defense weapon). It can also be referred to as a PCC (pistol caliber carbine). Either way, the Stribog is a short compact firearm that can be fired with a stock, armbrace, or the use of a sling (SAS method).
Everything on the Stribog is ambidextrous, making it perfect for left-handed shooters. The A3 models use a roller-delayed blowback system. If you plan to use a suppressor, this is a perfect match. I first shot a suppressed SP10A3 at TriggrCon 2023 and knew I had to get my hands on one for more “testing.” I really just wanted to shoot it more (don’t tell anyone).
Another thing I noticed that has changed on the Stribog is the magazine release. The new SP10 utilizes an oversized round-button magazine release. This is a great improvement over the magazine release on my SP9A1.
Mag release, slide release, and safety
Grand Power not only put an oversized round mag release on the SP10, but they also added an AK-style mag release as well. This gives you two options for removing the magazine. One, push the round button on either side of the lower receiver and let the magazine fall free. Or two, pull back on the lever as you grab the magazine. After using the SP10 on the range for a few days, I prefer grabbing the magazine and pulling back on the lever with my thumb. I’m not sure you could slap it with a magazine like you do with AKs, but it’s the same style.

Another thing I like about the SP10 is the bolt catch/release. The SP10 uses an AR-15 style bolt catch/release, making it easy to release the bolt after mag changes. This, combined with the AR-style safety is great for those used to the AR-15 platform. When utilizing the oversized mag release, you feel almost like you’re handling an AR-15. This is important to me because it reduces the training curve for a new gun. I was able to change mags, slap the bolt release, and keep shooting like I would with my AR.
On the range with the Stribog SP10 A3
Another thing I noticed with the SP10 is the built-in sight system on the top Picatinny rail. Instead of built-in flip-up sights like my SP9 has, the SP10 uses a recessed front post sight. A groove runs all the way down the Picatinny rail so you can see the front post. Because it’s so low, I couldn’t use this system with an arm brace attached, but it worked great when shooting without the brace or stock. With the sights being recessed below the top of the Picatinny rail, it doesn’t get in the way. You could also add a flip-up sight or anything else you wanted.

For the range, I wanted to shoot the SP10 with a brace and red dot. (Note: check local, state, and federal laws before attaching braces or stocks to handguns.) I invited a few of my law enforcement co-workers out to shoot with me to get their opinion. Global Ordnance, the exclusive importer of Grand Power firearms, provided some Sellier & Bellot, 180gr FMJ 10mm ammo for us to conduct the review. As I mentioned above, the first thing you notice when shooting the SP10 is the recoil. Or I guess, lack of recoil is a better statement.
How was the recoil? Short and smooth
For a 10mm sub-gun style gun, this thing doesn’t have much recoil at all. A 10mm bullet has some impressive ballistics, but the kick can be harsh with some guns. Everyone on the range agreed the SP10 had less recoil than our 9mm sub-guns. This included my SP9A1 and a Scorpion Evo III we shot before and after the Stribog SP10. I had a Sig Romeo 5 red dot I wasn’t using, so I mounted it to the SP10 before we started. Shooting at 8-inch metal gongs from 10 to 75 yards away, it was smooth and easy to stay on target.

We were shooting rapidly most of the time and still didn’t have trouble making the metal target sing. Because the cartridges are larger, the straight-style SP10 mags only hold 20 rounds. This is less than what we are used to with 9mm guns, which is typically 30. But you’re shooting a much larger round so it’s a good compromise. By the end of the day, we put 500 rounds through the SP10A3 and never had a single issue. This gun didn’t just do the job, it was fun to shoot as well.
The Picatinny rail on the back of the gun made it easy for me to mount an arm brace. It also has a QD attachment on the bottom for a single-point sling. If you want a two-point sling, a second QD mount could be attached to the M-LOK slot on the side of the handguard. During tactical training, we carry Glock 45s in a Safariland 7360 RDS on a drop-leg holster. A single-point sling made it easy for us to transition from the Stribog SP10 to our Glock 45s.
the perfect package?
A Picatinny rail runs along the bottom of the handguard and three M-LOK slots are located on each side. This gives plenty of options for mounting a light, laser, angled grip, or any other attachment. A takedown pin on the back of the lower receiver is all that’s needed to swing the upper receiver open. Again, there are a lot of similarities between the SP10 and AR-15, but I’ll get more into that in another article.
Everything with this gun is just simple and to the point. I like the feel of the grip and balance of the gun in both hands. The magazine release and bolt lock are both nice improvements as well. Probably the thing I like best about this gun is the low recoil when firing a 10mm round. This would make an excellent personal defense gun for the home, vehicle, or even a backpack. Check one out and see what you think, but I doubt you will be disappointed in Grand Power’s new Stribog SP10.