firearm type

The pistol is a handgun and a more popular choice for everyday carry than a revolver. In comparison they are quicker to reload, have a lighter trigger and are generally slimmer and weigh less. In today’s law enforcement world, almost all officers are going to carry a semi-automatic pistol.

The revolver is a handgun used for everyday carry with a low capacity of 5-9 rounds, and has a heavy trigger and a long stroke (which is considered safer for less knowledgeable shooters). They are slow to reload, but the common consensus is that they don’t malfunction, and guarantee that all rounds can be fired. In the public safety industry, the revolver is more likely to be used by security officers or in foreign markets. As an exception there are plainclothes or detectives that may carry a revolver as a primary weapon, or as a backup.
Most modern revolver barrels have lugs beneath the barrels. This is an extension that may run the length of the barrel that encloses the ejection rod. Check your model designation at the manufacturer’s website if you have questions about the length of your gun’s barrel or barrel lug as both can affect holster fit.

An electronic discharge weapon is a secondary tool for law enforcement used for temporary incapacitation. There are a variety of models of EDW and corresponding holsters, with different retention levels and carry options.
firearm Make/model
Much like the car industry, manufacturers create various gun models over time. Different models could have differences in size, shape, caliber, or be single- or double-column mag. It’s important to know that some manufacturers change the specs of their models every few years, and that can alter the exterior holster fits. The manufacturer and model information for your firearm are commonly found at one of the following locations:

For more detailed specifications about your firearm, visit the manufacturer’s website or examine your gun’s original packaging. (Note: if you have an older gun model, your model may not be listed on the manufacturer’s website as some companies only list current, available models.)