Officer’s Rushton and Herrick responded to a silent alarm at a variety store. Each officer arrived at the same time in separate cars. Rushton approached the building while Herrick took up the backup position. As the suspect exited the store, Rushton ordered him to halt and assume “the position”. As the suspect was responding to Rushton’s order, a shot rang out from an adjacent grassy field. The slug (later found to be a .30-06) hit Rushton in the left outer arm near the shoulder. The bullet exited through the inner arm striking the upper left corner of Rushton’s Second Chance® vest. The bullet was deflected across the outside of Rushton’s chest area entering again his right inner arm and exiting out the outer portion of the right arm just below the shoulder. Officer Herrick, believing the shot came from within and not from his rear where the rifleman actually was, received a fatal through-and-through shot in his back. Three days later two subjects were picked up and charged with murder/attempted murder
We welcome Officer Dave Rushton, SAVE #187, to The Safariland Group SAVES CLUB®.