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Officer Gary Laird

Nueces County Constable Precinct 2 Corpus Christi TX Saves Club

You’re a dead pig, said the 15-year-old burgler while standing over Laird, aiming the gun at him. Laird was about to be shot for the fifth time with his own gun, a .357-magnum. Deep brownish yellow bruises cover Gary Laird’s chest where the first three magnum bullets, fired direct contact his body, crashed into his Second Chance® vest. A picture of Laird’s uniform shirt showed the blackened area burned and torn by two bullet holes. The third slug demolished his badge. The fourth slug tore through his right thigh and the fifth cut through his arm, into his side lodging in his chest as he scrambled through his assailant’s legs. Laird was released from Spohn Hospital just four days after his assault with only stitches and bruises. “The vest is what it’s all about,” says Laird

We welcome Officer Gary Laird, SAVE #194, to The Safariland Group SAVES CLUB®.

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